Angry Mustache and Kazanir have finally authorized Goonswarm to begin building the fabled Pallantine Keepstar in B9E-H6.
This Keepstar will be anchored in KarmaFleets home system in recognition of how awesome Ross July is and his Immens(ea) contribution are to Goonswarm as a whole.
The new Keepstar will be named Pallantine Elias’s Sumo Wrestling Palace. Are you curious as to it’s build schedule?
WELL THEN WAIT NO MORE. Courtesy of Shingly’s Data Wizardry we have calculated when it will be built and wrote a nifty timer below.
Goonswarm’s Director of Procurement and Building Special Projects as well as Magic the Gathering Card Creation Beyondnoxx UNP would like update you all on the Percentages of Creation
Material | Amount |
Percentage Complete: 2.5% | 1260022 (Total Items Donated) |
265356011 | Megacyte |
61916400018 | Mexallon |
8 | Morphite |
1326780016 | Nocxium |
176904000015 | Pyerite |
884520000026 | Tritanium |
619164033 | Zydrine |
6674400 | Broadcast Node |
2073600 | Integrity Response Drones |
5427000 | Nano-Factory |
5491800 | Organic Mortar Applicators |
3677415 | Recursive Computing Module |
3839400 | Self-Harmonizing Power Core |
7030800 | Sterile Conduits |
5135400 | Wetware Mainframe |
450000 | Holoreels |
450000 | Small Arms |
450000 | Spiced Wine |
450000 | Frozen Food |
2250 | Janitor |
9000 | Marines |
81 | Heavy Water |
167 | Liquid Ozone |
152 | Nitrogen Isotopes |
61 | Oxygen Isotopes |
22 | Strontium Clathrates |
8 | Technetium |
22 | Thulium |
6 | Titanium |
16 | Tungsten |
21 | Vanadium |
21 | Villard Wheel |
21 | Coolant |
21 | Enriched Uranium |
21 | Mechanical Parts |
21 | Oxygen |
21 | Robotics |
9 | Thermoelectric Catalysts |
1 | Scotty the Docking Manager’s Clone |