Denny’s Teams Up with Ham Norris


Ham Norris, legendary Goonswarm FC has spent the last few months working w/ America’s Diner, Denny’s in an epic partnership of caloric proportions. Starting in February, Goonswarm Pilots can trade 25 PAPs in for a coupon at any participating Dennys’ for one free “Ham and Cheese Norris”. This classic take on a “Moons Over My Hammy” sandwich introduces bold Honey Glazed ham, the finest American cheese, and a Sweet Habanero sauce. Moist, Delicious, and Spicey, just as Asher Aslan Elias loves his PVP when led by the great and glorious Ham “and cheese” Norris.

So this February, remember to fleet up and earn those paps. Don’t Goon while hungry!

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